The cleaning effectiveness of Soda Clean Maintenance Plus baking soda is a direct result of its physical properties. These qualities allow the media to be used in a wide variety of applications.
The magic of baking soda is due to:
- Granulation resulting in a consistent sizing of the cleaning media
- Shape is multi sided and leads to an improved cleaning capability
- Hardness is such that it will not damage delicate substrates
- Friability (easily crumbled) enhances the cleaning process
- pH of baking soda media (8.2) greatly reduces any caustic effect
These properties provide the cleaning power of baking soda media:
- High friability with consistent angular fractures results in smaller, uniformly angular cleaning particles. This feature ensures that all surfaces of a substrate can be cleaned effectively.
- Baking soda media is very soft (2.4 on Mohs Scale of Hardness) and is a friable cleaning agent. This means that blasting with baking soda is like throwing a snowball at a fence whereas other less friable media (plastic at 3.5 and glass at 4.5 on Mohs Hardness Scale) is like throwing a stone at a fence.
- Baking soda media imparts a cleaning effect where other abrasives use a hit and cut method to clean or chop away the coating.
- Baking soda crystals begin at less than 70 microns. At impact, the crystal crumbles and gently imparts the energy into a cleaning mass. Much of this energy is transferred perpendicular to the angle of the blast across the entire structure. The result is a clean surface.
- Easily removes carbon, grease, oils, gasket material, surface corrosion, paint and coatings from a variety of alloys, plastics and composites without substrate damage or distortion, and leaves hard anodized coatings intact.
- Reduces cycle time by cleaning, de-greasing, de-painting all in one step. Unlike glass beads or plastic media, baking soda requires no pre-wash and its water solubility allows for complete rinsing, eliminating the risk of spent media lodging in tight spaces or critical passageways.